
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

woman's best friend

I had to write a little about the best gift my husband ever got me. Max is our 2 year old italian greyhound. Don't ask me how we decided to go with this type of dog... we didn't actually plan and pick him, he kind of found us. A few years ago, I was dying to get a dog. Brett came home over the weekend one summer week with a precious toy poodle that we named cash as he was all black just like the man in black. I was so excited. I knew he was going to be the best thing ever for me. The time you spend by yourself as a coaches wife is frequent. If your husband isn't recruiting, he is breaking down film. If he isn't in team or staff meetings, he is at pregame meal. If you try to schedule a vacation and make plans, you have to cancel at the last minute because spring practice or bowl practice or fall camp all have been rescheduled or scheduled over your big plans!
I am not complaining... I am just stating fact! once we moved to our new apartment a year into our marriage, we decided that I would need someone or something to keep me company because the away games make weekends frequently lonely! Cash was special and came right at a great time as I had just lost my grandma and had been through a rough time through our whole summer. When Brett got cash he had previously been injured after being dropped. When we got him, he was perfectly fine... a little scared on vinyl since he kept slipping... but nonetheless perfect. We wanted to kennel train him and he was in his kennel and took a slip and fall one night. We found that he wasn't walking or trying to use his legs. We took him to the vet and they told us that our options were costly surgery or putting him to sleep... this was day 2 of owning cash. I left distraught. we had to go to church that morning with heavy hearts. I wrestled with the options we had including waiting it out. we had to stay up with him all night long so we could make sure he wasn't moving. I was emotionally and physically drained and finally broke down and called the vet that treated him before we bought him. The vet confirmed that he had injured his vertebrae and it was there before we got him. I had Brett call the sweet people in Birmingham that he bought cash from and they graciously accepted him back.
I tell this story as it is important to know that i didn't get Max right away. I went through another season by myself. I didn't need a dog and didn't want to get another one. I felt like I had contributed in some way to cash becoming permanently injured. My mother was pushing hard for us to get a new dog. She thought that it would help me get over cash.
The following February we found a free weekend and went over to Birmingham to visit Brett's grandparents. We were looking through the classifieds and Brett brought up an ad about and italian greyhound. I knew a few people that had this kind of dog and knew they enjoyed them but wasn't really worried about getting a dog. Brett kept talking about it and wanted to "go look." I told him that if we looked we would be buying because that is how it would end up.
We walked into the trailer to the noise of a variety of dogs. We glanced around and saw 2 weiner dogs, a german shepherd, 3 italian greyhounds, and a huge fish tank that needed cleaning. The sweet lady told us that she used to breed her greyhounds and recently tried to adopt kids and they couldn't take care of the puppy as they were in the final stages and were close to receiving the adopted kids. I excused myself to the restroom and as I sat and looked around at the amazing remodeled bathroom in the double-wide trailer, I prayed. I prayed that God would give me a peace about taking this puppy home. That I would be able to handle it. That I wouldn't regret it. Who returns 2 puppies in 1 year?
She showed us the puppy. We fell in love. We set him down and he walked off to jump on the couch and watch TV. I fell in Love hard! He was clearly mine!
My Max!
God knew that this was what I needed. The friend that would always be there for me. Lay around with me. Be excited I was home. Depend on me. And he is quiet! No back talk! Anyway... I was just sitting here and thinking about something to write related to me and related to coaching in some way. I hope you have a girlfriend, a guy friend, a co-worker, a sibling, or even a PUPPY to keep you company when you need someone. If you have seen my pictures of max you know I spend tons of time with him. I will never regret taking him home!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Yay for puppies who are your buddies! Allie is keeping me company while Spencer is out of town all week. It's pretty sad because I find myself talking to her like she understands every word...