
Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentine's Day Wish....

Brett and I have kind of started a tradition over the last two years... mostly thanks to our Nephew Kade for being born on Valentine's Day last year. We took a long weekend and went away for a night before traveling down to see family. Last year was for his birth and this year was for his birthday party! On the way down we visited Warm Springs, Georgia and stayed in a cute cabin in the national park. We had so much fun even if it was for only a 24 hour period! Brett is so good at making the most of any vacation and always is up for taking side trips for shopping or sight seeing. We visited FDR's little white house and it was really interesting! We took a bunch of pictures including some fun ones at the wishing well at the center of the property grounds.
Max and Mommy packing for the trip... Max was worried I was going without him and he jumped in my suitcase! I had to make a little memory!
Daddy and Max Showing off their manly cabin!

Fun times sightseeing!

Putting Brett in his place! (just kidding...sort of!)
Wishing for my prince!

V02, It definitely is the LDL... I am over by 5 points and my total number I am over by 1 point... basically this low cholesterol diet nonsense doesn't have to be as intense since I'm not out of control with my numbers. I haven't been faithful with working out everyday... but I am keeping up with my weight loss diet (for the most part). I still think I should have one meal a week that I indulge... maybe today for lunch! we ran on sunday morning and then went to a new church... the sermon was on fear and was the most relevant sermon we have heard lately. It hit our nail on the head! I get so many new emotions everyday when it comes to Brett looking for a job...especially since our friends are now moving because they got a job in Oklahoma! I am running out of friends! LYLAS..bmi

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