
Monday, September 21, 2009

The Amanda Project 4 week update

So, new update on the bettering myself project....
1. Sew more often: as you can see, I have been really hitting this one hard! I am so excited about the fun stuff I have been able to make. I just finished my 3rd and final dress and I am still looking for new ideas! I believe I have accomplished this particular goal.... check it off the list!
2. Cook more often. I have not really blogged about cooking, but I have begun to get better at really trying to plan ahead for home cooked meals instead of eating out.... but with the football season in full swing, it sometimes feels easier to go out but we have fought against this as much as possible. I will say that this goal is still in process, but I have done better already! Tonights menu: Turkey chili! Even though it isn't cold, coming in soaked always makes you crave something warm!
3. Learn to play guitar... I am in full swing of Lessons and am already losing feeling in my fingertips... and I can carefully play one of the two songs I am in process on all they way through without any real mess ups! Next step, be able to smoothly play and sing it! I am really loving it, I'm not perfect yet, but one day! 4. Lose weight. So, I haven't really shared where I have come from on this particular goal. I was 115 lbs when I got married, at the doctor in February of 2007 I was 140 lbs. It is not easy to type this and I guarantee you that this was not my heaviest point, however it is the heaviest I have recorded. In April of this year I weighed 135 lbs, so obviously everything I had tried never really caught on. I started working out pretty regularly by just running on an eliptical. Cooking at home versus going out to eat has helped a ton.... except in the case of $5 footlongs at Subway which became every meal at one point! As of today I weigh 120 lbs. and have gone down a pants size and in some pants that size is a little loose!
I still want to go down 5 more pounds and tone up some areas in time for Christmas pictures/cookies/family visits/etc....hopefully I will see my results by then!


Jen said...

First of all, Love all your dresses (my fav is the one in the bottom right corner. Next-turkey chili--recipe please?. And congrats to you on the weight loss! Spencer and I are on a diet and he's lost 10 pounds. I've lost....3!!! Not fair.

Amanda said...

the big trick for me was forcing myself to exercise, lowering the fat in everything we eat, and lastly I realized that I was eating as much as brett so reducing my portion to about half. I think the biggest thing for me is I weighed myself at least 2 times a day because it made me feel good to see the number change!

Amanda said...

oh, and eat breakfast! I hate it but I noticed how it definitely kicks my metabolism into gear!

Kathy G said...

I am so proud of you and all your awesome talents. What a wonderful, short, full of love visit we had this weekend. I always miss you more when we leave, but we love being with you three. Max loved lying on his granna and wearing our snuggies.