
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Georgia Tech 24, UNC 7

As the Clouds settled over the City...we were watching some football through the falling rain. It was one of the funnest games I have gone to lately! Not a ton of drama... aside from referrees that apparently were mentally slow and had no knowledge of the rules of football....lots of fun scores, barely any sunshine or rain for most of the game making perfect fall temperature and family here to watch it all with me! With 4 minutes to go in the 4th quarter the rain started to downpour as UNC got the ball back....Kathy, Ronnie and I were covered in our ponchos, rain coats, and stil were getting soaked as we had to watch the defense stop the UNC offense. It was really exciting and lots of fun!
Talking over that last play.....
CPJ: Cheshire Cat or the Joker?
wait a second... he doesn't have his baby in there! That baby bjorn is inside out!
Kathy (my mother in "love") said, "look I need a necklace and earrings like that!
Quarterback sneak.....

Dancing Kiddo at the game!

Booing the refs after half time.... the bad call they made was before half time.

4th quarter dancin'... everyone does it!

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