
Friday, September 4, 2009

I prayed for you....

I prayed for you today. For some reason your name came to my mind and words began to spill forth....
I prayed that you could pierce the darkness in any environment as Christ Shines through you.
That you would find purpose in following Him alone and that you would know His love alone will carry you through any valley or over any mountain you are facing.
I prayed for wisdom in your circumstances
Patience in your storms
Love that Only He can give in order to cast out all fear
Peace in the times of chaos
I prayed that God provide clear answers to questions you have been asking Him and that He provide guidance in the moments you find yourself unsure of what direction to take
I asked Him to help me be a better person that is always there for you when you need it.
I prayed that He prepare the people and places He would have you encounter in the future, that they may experience blessing and be ready to welcome you when the time is right
I know you have needs and need to have help that only God can give
I prayed that your needs be met and that you meet His expectations in return.
I prayed that through any trial or success, His glory be fulfilled in your example, His Love be experienced fully and the realization of full dependence on Him for everything become a daily practice.
I prayed in His name.


Unknown said...

My Wife is Awesome!

Kathy G said...

My daughter-in-love is awesome! I love you three so much and miss you every moment! God bless you as you live for Him! I am so proud of both of you and your love for our Savior!