
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Here's Your Sign.... College Gameday edition, Week 6

Today's College GameDay was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in Death Valley for the LSU vs Florida Game. It was rainy but that didn't stop the sign makers in the bayou! Very proud to see the signs in full force unlike last week!
Today was the possible first game back for Tebow. I always knew he was going to play because I married a college quarterback who suffered several concussions in his day and I know the mentality of these crazy boys! I bet they had to hold Tebow back from the practice field... he was a caged animal ready to attack the next team in his way.... LSU. Great effort from Tebow and the team today! You could tell he was a little shell shocked from the hit heard round the world over and over again, but he played through it and will be a force to be feared in the games to come!
Now... to the signs!
This sign takes home the best ESPN Sign of the season so far!

Below are the signs that are focused on Tebow:

Random sign... but it was so strange that I had to include it!

Best Rhyme... notice the hand holding the sign... was Big Foot at College GameDay?
Fun reference to last weeks game between LSU and UGA. Pouring a little salt in UGA's wound! If you don't know what happened here we go: UGA Scored with a little bit of time left on the clock and was given an excessive celebration penalty. This gave LSU 15 yards on the kickoff. LSU drove down and scored leaving just under a minute on the clock and also receiving the same penalty. UGA couldn't produce a score and LSU won! UGA really acts like that 15 yards would have stopped the train running down the sidelines that scored the winning touchdown. Go ahead you big Babies... try to find any way to blame someone besides yourselves for the loss!

This sign gave me pause and I decided to include it and say thank you to all our service men and women for everything they do to keep us free!
Shout out to my home state on College GameDay!
This was so strange I had to include it.
Funny political reference....
So, to show how crazy Tiger fans are I included a few tailgate images from the broadcast. I know that they aren't signs but they are pretty funny!
Really? you spray painted your great dane with tiger stripes?!?
Tailgating Main Course: Gator

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