
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Georgia Tech 30, Wake Forest 27

Georgia Tech faced a big challenge yesterday. We were two games away from the ACC championship game. We control our own destiny... which feels like such a cliche thing to say but it's true. We had to beat Wake Forest yesterday and next week we have to beat Duke. I was so nervous for the players and coaches. This was a huge game. A game that many would think would be easy, but I knew that it was a game that should be taken seriously and I worried that the focus may not be there because so many people thought it should be an easy game. I had confidence but was still a little scared for the team. We started off strong on defense and made some big plays on offense but somewhere in the first half the game became a struggle. I could even feel the lack of intensity in the crowd. Usually the crowd and the team can feed off of one another and build each other up with their energy and I just didn't feel it in the stands like I have in the past few games. The one thing that stood out to me about the team was that they proved to themselves that when they are facing enormous pressure, they can overcome it and they didn't fold! I was so proud of the guys toughing it out and defeating one of the toughest teams in the ACC! Now we have one more challenge... the Blue Devils next week... Like I told Brett... we overcame the deamons, next week the devil!
Here are a few videos and pics from the game!
The flyover before kick-off

A big touchdown run for Jon Dwyer
We got pushed into Overtime. Jon took a moment and sent a prayer up prior to OT
Josh Nesbitt was faced with a huge 4th and 1 in the bottom of the 1st over time. Wake Forest had scored a field goal on the first posession of OT and we could have kicked a field goal to tie it. Coach Johnson and the team chose to go for it and risk the game. We pushed through and got a 1st down.... what happened next:
A very happy "Bey Bey" Thomas and Tyler Melton with me after the game!

Ok, so I couldn't resist.... I was walking into the stadium and got stuck behind this image... I had to take a pic!Send up a prayer for the Yellow Jackets this week as we face our final big challenge on the road to the ACC Championship! I hope you have a winning week too!

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

I want to be with you and "Bey Bey"! I love the Jackets! I love my birthday card with all the player signatures! Go Tech!