
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Here's your sign...College Gameday edition, Week 12

No.... I promise I haven't quit. Not that there are many people out there reading this anyway! I don't know what it was, but Brett ended up home not long after I got off work so we watched all the primetime football games and I didn't get through my signs until yesterday! We have been so busy this week so now I have found some quiet time to post my signs and an update on a very important game weekend for Georgia Tech and a busy week!
Now.... for the signs, there were tons of signs in Fort Worth to choose from!
The quarterback at TCU was referenced to be "ginger-topped" meaning red headed.... we see some clever signs using this media induced nickname and some other player's names.
TCU is proud of their purple
So the story on TCU is that they are in a non-BCS qualifying conference. This means that it is much harder for them to get into a BCS game and the National Championship even if they are UNDEFEATED... which they are! You can tell the frustration from crowd through their demands for a visit to the national championship!
Got BCS?
Re-naming the school:
Your QB is not Cute!
The Utes eat poop.... so mature!
I like this country music sign! Carrie Underwood for Heisman!
Still referencing the BCS....With a fun visual aid!
Fun with the iFrog.... there's a sack for that!
Some Texas Rivalry going on!
Fun use of School letters and Mascot!
Here is the horned frog hand gesture!
Corso is the frog prince!
Fun Times with Rhymes!

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