
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy 1/2 Birthday P Rose!

So, I found the reason to have a baby... not that it is coming anytime soon (stop your drooling Maria and Kathy...grammy and granna). Our friends Tenly and Taylor Stewart have the most adorable baby girl, Perry Rose. As you can see in the picture she is so sweet! What a beautiful reminder we have that God can use us to create a miracle like that beautiful baby girl. It makes me excited looking toward the stage in our lives where we can make a family together! Seeing people our age doing it makes it more real... We are becoming adults... when did that happen?
I am looking to my own birthday this year and having a small panic attack about turning 28. I feel almost like I am running out of time to do everything I want to do and as I get a little older I find myself wanting to add to the list! Throw starting a family on top of that pile of things to do and it feels like it will fall over! If God left it up to me to schedule my whole life the way I wanted to I would screw it up! This is why I am so thankful that God's timing is perfect. Taylor and Tenly didn't choose or plan when to have Perry Rose but God knew that they needed her and He knew that it was time for her to come into this world to bless all of us!

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