
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Superbowl Treats

Superbowl Sunday was lazy for us. I don't usually care about the superbowl... I care about the national anthem (which by the way, Jennifer Hudson Rocked! It was the best I have ever heard it sung!), the commercials, and sometimes the halftime show. But I miss the good old days where they used more than one artist/group to collaborate on a halftime show. We usually have a party for 2 and get wings and hang out but our friends (the Stewarts... the ones with the baby we are about to steal) invited us over and we decided to go! First, we like food and we like cooking and sharing food. Brett had to have/make his own chex mix. Our friends that were coming to the party requested this avacado dip that our amazing chef/sister-in-law Lindsay gave us the recipe to. And I wanted something sweet. We cooked up a storm and I ended up cooking these Devil's Food Peanut Butter cookies that Lindsay gave me the recipe to. They are so easy to make, fast to make, and sooooo YUMMY! We found some football themed cookie cutters so I had to be festive and make some chocolate peanut butter footballs! I was so proud of them I had to take a picture!

Overall we felt bad for Kurt Warner losing but we had a great time fellowshipping with friends. I believe God has placed us among some amazing people here in Atlanta. With Brett's job as a coach he travels so much and is always in the office. It is nice to have a group of friends that is understanding to our situation whether they see it through friendship with us or they are fellow coaches and their wives and they live it with us! I am so thankful that Brett and I have built such a great network so far and I know that these couples will be a great support when we start moving forward in the direction God has chosen for us. Whether He has planned for us to stay here another year or He has a new school prepared for us, I know I have some wonderful friends and family I can always call on.

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