
Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Ok, so thank you jen for prompting this post! There is a reason that you haven't seen any posts from me... You specifically because you may be the only person that reads this! but anyway....
When we moved into our new house last summer we came upon a pleasant surprise in the form of unsecured wireless internet...which we felt was being shared and decided to not be rude and partake in the shared service. (don't want to be rude to our neighbors) anyway... we went out of town for spring break... I was excited about posting some great pics on my blog. When we rolled up the stairs I noticed an eviction notice on my neighbor's door. we came in and I pulled up blogger and NO INTERNET! my free internet had been evicted! so I have gone a couple of months without it and can't blog at work so here we are a couple of months later since we found out how to make our neighbor elsewhere share their internet...

So DON'T Judge me! I am married to a graduate assistant people! You have to get creative in ways of saving money!

But I am glad to say that we are up and running and I should be back on the blog soon! I just have to organize my thoughts and figure out what to tell you first!

talk to you soon!


Jen said...

Ha! It's about time!

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for sharing your husband with us here in south Alabama! Brett was a blessing to the young athletes here in Enterprise. I will be following you guys this year and will probably even squeeze out a "Go Tech" every once in a while.
God bless,

Tony Dye

Kathy G said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog!
Keep it up!
