
Friday, July 10, 2009

is that sports center?

so, about a month ago, I told Brett that I can't wait for football season. He immediately told me not to rush things! We had officially switched places for a brief moment in time. so now we are nearing fall camp in about a month and I am feeling fall in the air. You know that day during summer that is UNBELIEVABLY hot, then it rains like crazy, and then it starts to cool down very slowly? Well... I'm not saying that it won't get hot again, however, I feel like we have hit a day like that. It definitely happened.....I smelled, saw, and felt it. football season. (I know I sound weird.) I felt a hint of cool, a smell of rain on hot asphalt, saw a clear in the air with full sun coming through the clouds. I couldn't put my finger on it and finally realized that it felt like I was about to drive to the stadium on a saturday afternoon for a game! I felt like I needed to head downtown!
If you have ever been to a game with me, you know I am NUTS. I am far from being a closet fan.. However, I am a closet fan of football season as a coaches wife. I usually am very adamant about no football until football season! I am supposed to hate it when camp comes, I am to wear black and be the football widow, I am expected to be miserable when my husband goes off to work and stays late or has to be gone for 2 days for a game.
But I secretly love it!
I love that Max and I can snuggle unjudged without jealousy from Brett
I love that the season signals being that much closer to Christmas and next year
I love searching all the ACC blogs
I love the game of trying to predict what bowl we will make it to, and what our placement in the conference will be
I love trying to make Brett talk to me about football and still not understanding it
I love having family here to celebrate with us
I love singing the fight song and doing the cheers with the crowd and the band
I love getting mad at sportscenter for snubbing us in the highlights
I love coming in from a game to watch more games across the country
I love getting grossed out by Holly Rowe... I am sure she is sweet, but she has a face, and fashion sense for radio
Well, some of you women are crying foul! (no sports pun intended) I know, I have really let the cat out of the bag... somewhere Brett is smiling and happy that he has created this monster.

Just be ready! It is coming and I will hopefully be on the 4th row or in front of my tv screaming with the crowd!

Ps: Check out Brett's Mom in this pic, she is totaly rocking the cheerleader/football mom pose! I love it!

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

This football Mom has had many years of practice! It is a way of life, and I would have it no other way! Right? Love your awesome writing skills!
