
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The revolving door

When I was a kid, my dad told me a story as we were walking into a building with a revolving door. He said, "you know, a man once went into a revolving door.... got stuck...and died." Needless to say, I was a little traumatized! I avoid revolving doors even now! I will look for a regular door if at all possible.
Coaching is just like a fast moving revolving door. You stand in a long line watching and waiting as each slot is full and the people move around and around until someone gets out and leaves a slot open. What happens next is true chaos. The orderly line then becomes a mob that begins sprinting towards the opening kicking up dust. Some people get pushed, trip, or fall and even get walked or run over. Eventually the dust settles, the line starts to get back into order, and there are still a few trying to get in to the space. Someone gets in..... the line reshuffles a little and then, back to watching and waiting.
I have married the revolving door situation. Brett is in the line and I can only watch him watch and wait for the space to open. It is nerve wracking and it is exciting. You have high and hopeful emotions and you have low deflated emotions.
Don't get me wrong, I love watching football, I love the business behind it. I enjoy seeing the direct impact Brett can have on a player spiritually and athletically. I love the small fraternal relationship coaching families have. Most coaches wives will tell you that no one else will understand what her life is like or what her feelings are except another coaches wife.
The beginning of Fall camp gets me excited about the season and the fun it can bring, but it also propels me back into the anticipation for the music to stop and the revolving door to spin someone out leaving another space open. I know that God has a plan, I have definitely realized that it may not be my exact blueprints but I know He has us on his mind.
So many women are where I am right now....I am not naive to think that I am the only one feeling this way. But as I meet more coaches wives, I come to understand and appreciate the resourcefulness they have developed. Many of these women make an effort to grow personally and not let the watch and wait syndrome define them. They are artists, authors, mothers with the most amazing organizational skills and well behaved children, they are teachers, they are sisters, they are close friends. I can't wait to see how this crazy journey will change me and allow me to grow into something more than just someone watching and waiting!

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

And you are my amazing daughter-in-love chosen by an awesome God to be the love of my son and I am forever grateful! I look forward to watching you become all that God has planned for you both!

