
Friday, October 16, 2009

purpose vs. profession

I often dwell on the question, "what is my purpose?" It has been the focus of some posts in the past... seems like football has taken over my blog. I guess that makes my header appropriate! Anyway, I have been facing some overwhelming response physically to stress. I am tired, fiesty as Brett calls it, so tense in my back and shoulders that I am in never ending pain, headaches, constant stomach pain. I basically have decided that if it hurts, it is stress.
I have started to read the book, Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. The whole focus of the book is about how love should be our focus. Love in the form of awe and wonder and adoration and praise of Jesus Christ. He says that our churches find themselves in a state of lukewarm attitudes so easily because the blending of society and "religion" and the mindset of tolerance and "not offending people" is the focus. The mindset churches need is one that calls out sin in our lives and focuses on God's glory and falling in love and creating a relationship with Him.
So... "what is my purpose?" Well my purpose is to Love and Adore Him more than anything else in my life. This will spill over into loving and looking forward to the chances to love Him. I used to think it was all about what job or function we performed on earth. God has made it truly clear to me that my job, my profession, whatever it may be, is only the vehicle in which He provides financial support for me and my family. Some people's vehicle for God's provision could be a cash for clunker car or it could be a tricked out Lexus with a reserved space at Braves games! What my profession is should not define who I am supposed to be in Jesus Christ.
Francis Chan is a pastor! He said that he would get so worked up about little crises that would pop up at church (work for him) and it would consume his thoughts and his physical body. I can identify. Especially if you are someone who really cares about doing a job well (even if it isn't your dream job), you allow it to become part of you! But he came to realize that once he let everything go and saw the "profession" as God's way of putting food on his table, and stepped back and looked at everything from a big picture point of view it all changed.
At one point I was putting this into application on my day to day activities. I saw problems that arose as temporary and I made a point to go work out or something else in order to clear my mind and get it back on Jesus. I didn't take people's rude behavior as personal and in turn I didn't take that out on others. Lately I have fallen out of practice in this matter. My body has told me basically that I need to get back on the right page. I need to serve my purpose not my profession.


Special K said...

I am reading crazy love and we have a small group bible study for it. I love it! Miss you.

Kathy G said...


Keep your eyes and heart on him because He cares for you, and so do we! We love you both so much! We had a wonderful time this weekend. Even though our time is short, we love every minute with the three of you.
Love, Kathy