
Monday, March 29, 2010

Nephews and Nieces...

Over Spring Break we had the opportunity to give birthday gifts to two of the kids in our family. Our Niece, Lily, turned 4 in March and our Nephew, Kade, turned 2 in February. Since Brett and I have been in the process of moving and getting settled, it was impossible to make it home for either birthday. We decided instead of mailing, we would wait to give them their gifts until Spring Break so we could do it in person. I made Lily a TuTu and gave her a purse, a little beaded tiara, and I had some sample lipsticks from Avon and added those to the bag. I was very excited to be able to give her a TuTu especially since she is in Ballet (which I took as a girl) and VERY into dress up! I snapped a couple pics of the TuTu before I wrapped everything up for our get together.....
Kade, what can I say.... I think he and I have had a connection from the beginning! Not that the other kids in the fam are loved any different... but I have been friends with Tara, Brett's sister since she was married... she had me in her wedding! (Gutsy move by the way, I had dated Brett only 6 months when she asked me to sing... she felt the sparks too I guess!) I have been close to her before kids, experienced the craziness of pregnancy with her, and really was a true part of the family when Kade came around! I think Kade made the party perfect for me... I gave him his Mickey Mouse football and, even though he is 2, he was clearly grateful and so happy we got him the gift! When he pulled it out of the bag, he screamed "Mickey Mouse... Football!" Then he immediately started playing catch with everyone in the living room. Later in the evening, he quieted down and scooted himself backwards until he ended up pressed into my lap... I made someone get it on film!
More Spring Break updates to come... including The Bridal shower and bachelorette extravaganza... and a weekend update on last weekend. 2 words: Chicken Whisperer. Need I say More?

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