
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Perfect Couple

Brett and I are "the Perfect Couple." This is not my vanity talking but I started thinking about us as a "team" or a "couple" now that my sister is getting married and her future is taking on new shape. I wondered... how are we different from when we dated? I am coming up on a 5th anniversary and the 9th year of knowing Brett and that also got me thinking... why are we still together, what keeps us committed? We all have an opportunity to become "the perfect couple" with our spouses.
Now, when I say "perfect" it may not mean what you think it means. I believe God put us together. I believe we are made perfect in His image. I believe that where I lack, Brett has strength. I believe where Brett lacks, I have strength. We hold Jesus at the center of this partnership and acknowledge that He is the one driving this ship!
I thought about this.... what makes us "perfect" is that we are not identical twins... we are so unique that when seen separate you may not put us together, but together I couldn't imagine anyone taking his place... it would be weird! The longer I am married and I live this life of a "coach's wife" I see where we are very individual and independent in many ways. While he is on the road recruiting or to an away game or trapped in his office watching silent game film, I am working and at home trying to put down roots in this new little town. When we are together in the down time however, I feel like we are united toward a common purpose....whatever that may be!
Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
I love this passage... Ecclesiastes 4 has many examples of how being in a "perfect couple" can be beneficial. Of course, without the 3rd member, Jesus Christ we may not feel as connected and many times, the independence within us may cause us to break apart. Without Jesus our team would be incomplete! With Jesus our team is so strong and "not quickly broken"!
Matthew 19:4-6 "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man will ... be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
I love how Jesus articulates that we were made as 2 individual beings but the purpose was for us to become united and become one. It is so encouraging that God puts us together and no person, not even ourselves should try to separate that union. We should see our spouse as a piece that enhances our purpose... like a vacuum has attachments or, in Brett's case, a weed eater has attachments. The vacuum or weed eater both have a main style or function but you can throw on a different attachment and it allows you to go beyond your original potential!
The original potential is nice, but the place you can go and things you can accomplish when connecting to those attachments your spouse gives you is amazing... and seeing this and appreciating it will make your life more joyful... at least mine has been.

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

Such beautiful words, my precious daughter-in-love! I love you both!