
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Order My Steps....

Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

I felt tears well up as my husband stood up and read this verse to his family as we all surrounded the Christmas tree. After reading he announced, "We know you all are wondering where we will be next year and so are we. I wanted to read this verse to let you know that no matter what happens, God will be in control of our future."

This is a critical time in a coach's life. In January you have a scramble over the month where positions come open and immediately get filled. Last year I was excited about the opportunity to move somewhere new, yet I had a peace about Brett possibly not getting a job because he had one year left to be a GA. This year is different. He can't stay a GA and so now we have to find a new coaching position somewhere. This winter I have felt highs and lows beyond what I have ever experienced. One minute there could be 18 leads and I am google-ing a dozen cities and states trying to see if there is anything good to rent, or any companies hiring and 5 minutes later, all positions are filled and I am a little panicked and overall let down.

I'm semi-new at being a coach's wife. I am at least new at the "in transition phase" as many wives call it. The uncertainty drives me crazy. When Brett proposed, he told me being a coach's wife is hard. When I look at it in those simple terms, I can't let fear even take part in my feelings. The fact is, Life itself is hard. No matter what profession you choose, no matter what profession you or your spouse is in, there will always be a moment of struggle and uncertainty. We may chose our path but God is the only one who can determine the doors that will open to allow us to accomplish our overall goals for our lives. Allowing God to be the one to make the doors open as opposed to forcing a door open that needs to stay closed will be the only way you can achieve your personal goals within God's will for your life.

I don't know about you, but I would rather take the steps God has prepared for me instead of trying to do it on my own. (Even though I go crazy when I can't help Him out! ) This would be the only way to achieve His purpose for my life... by allowing Him to guide me through.

I hope this is encouraging... if anyone even reads this. I guess I am writing to at least encourage myself. I read through some old blogs from my myspace page that I will be putting up later... I actually was excited to look through what I have come through here in Atlanta since getting married! Let me know what you think when they go up!


Jen said...

This post definitely encouraged me! We have so much going on and I'm about to be the "bread winner" and it's a little stressful to say the least. Keep me posted on the goings-on with you and Brett. I'll be praying for you guys!

Kathy G said...


What inspirational words! You have a gift for writing, and I love it!

