
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Amanda Project... bettering myself

So, I am in process of what sounds like a very self absorbed activity... the Amanda Project. Yes, I guess it is considered self absorbed.... just because it is named after me and all about me... but it is for a good cause! (isn't that what everyone says?)

Being "Married to the Game" as many coaches wives call it, you deal with your husband out of town for away games, they come home late, leave for work early, and you have a lot of free time to yourself. This year, Brett really is home much more than he was in the first 3 years at Tech. I am blessed to have him home right after practice most days... which is around 7. But this summer I really turned a corner and decided to get my life to look like I want it! You know... the things you wanted to be able to do often go on the back burner to your everyday life. The fun things in particular!

When you go to college it is the freshman 15 that attaches itself to your hips, stomach, thighs, chin, and odd places all over! You get it under control either by effort, or pure stress while planning a wedding and look fabulous in your pictures. Then, when you get married it is the newlywed 19! You go out to eat because it is almost cheaper than cooking for only two... and, for me, during football season only one! The quickest ways to get food after working all day are always the most fattening... and pretty soon, you almost don't recognize yourself... all you want to do when you get off work is lay around and debrief from the stress of the day... don't even consider exercising... which I call the devil's boring activity or diet coke... the devil's drink.... it is all sugar and laziness!

So, because I have some things I want to bring back to the "front burner" of my life... I have started what I call "The Amanda Project" The overall point is to better myself by becoming more well rounded!

So here is the full layout of the project:

1) lose weight... so this has been a hard one but I have been in process since early summer.
I am trying to run 30 minutes after work at least 2 times a week, smaller portions of food, less fat, less snacking. I have seen some great results and I have lost 15 pounds since my heaviest point in my married life!
2)Learn to play guitar well.... so, I just started this portion of the project. I had a guitar sitting in the corner of my living room for about 6 months asking me to teach myself... I had books and everything people! I went one day after reasearching all over Atlanta and signed up for lessons. I have taken my first lesson and have officially practiced like a good student since the lesson, My fingers are hurting... I am trying to play through the pain!
3) Sew more often and with more confidence... So I have been sewing since I was a kid. My mom always had a project going and I always helped... especially if it was for me. I have recently recovered an ottoman and chair cushions by myself and made pillows and a bench seat for my deck. Recently I have made a nursing cover for my friend Britney and am working on finding more projects to practice on. 4) Cook more often and get amazing at it.... um, I just want to be able to come home and whip up a great meal... I have already made an effort to cook more, I believe it has contributed to goal 1, lose weight! I am hoping to have a wide variety of good meals to whip up quickly for a family of 1, 2, or more!
The project is underway.... we will see how I do... Update in 4 weeks!

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

You are awesome! Very inspiring and you will accomplish much! I love my baby's wife!
