
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Here's Your Sign ... College Gameday Edition Week 4

So... another gameday has come and gone and I love watching the show after the football has been played and seeing if the ESPN "know-it-alls" have made accurate predictions!
This Picture gives me some happiness.... these are the predictions given by Desmond, Lee, and Kirk on Gameday yesterday for our game.... America, at least, got it right! And.... Desmond has sidestepped receiving my disdain that Mark May gets.... Everytime I watch College Football Final. Way to Go Des! You Got it right... NOT SO FAST CORSO!
So, Here are some tips for the sign holder below... and for all you looking to take signs out to college gameday.... As I have been watching the show there are certain tips I have even found helpful in getting your sign on tv:

1, don't use a colored sign unless it is a light color like yellow and you use thick black print... don't use colored ink unless it is a dark color on white back drop, and use big BIG letters!
2, look at the names of your opposing team's players. Look at the top player, think of play on words, think of immature or childish activities that you can accuse them of being part of (see the hannah montanna sign further down)
3, attack the academic credentials of the opposing team's school, talk about how even (insert someone stupid or goofy here) could graduate from there
4, Always cut down an ESPN person... preferably Mark May
5, Last, use classic jokes using the style of yo mama , you might be a redneck, or blonde jokes and insert the state, mascot, or just plain old name of the school (see the blue sign further down)
Maybe next time you will know what to write!

Shout out to my Parents from Happy Valley! Gary and Maria showed up on signs yesterday!

Ahhh.... they want a grandpa! Good Choice, a mulit-millionaire, one of the winningest coaches in college football, and he has some cool shades he can hand down when he is gone! Or, they are so poor up there at college that they need an old man in the same town to slip them some spending money like their regular grandpa does!
Sign that gets the Biggest Laugh Award:
Most Creative, using a picture
Most Creative Play on Words
Here is another nice play on words, using Corso's favorite phrase "not so fast..." and combining it with Penn State's Mascot a nittany lion! Funniest Statistic.... is this even a real stat? Who knows but It gets a Biggest Laugh honorable mention!
Is Joe Pa the angel or the devil on Chris Fowler's shoulder?
And... here is Joe's Back!
Best Cut Down...
Best Rhyme.... Stanzi (Iowa Player) is a Pansy!So, Let me explain this sign... it isn't funny but it is. You see, Early in the broadcast, there was a degrading and nasty sign having to do with Erin Andrews. As much as I show wifely jealousy over her picture with my husband... I respect what she does and believe she is one of the best female sideline reporters I have seen on tv. Also, because she is beautiful she is made the object of some horrible comments, actions, and now signs. I believe the bad sign belonged to this guy below. Thank you to ESPN for only allowing witty, fun, and family friendly signs on the air and removing the bad ones! This picture represents me laughing at him not with him!
Showing the love and devotion for Joe Pa.....
I am not so sure she could get it... but you never know!
So... this wasn't on College Gameday but we found this freak in the crowd on the field after the Virginia Tech and Miami Game.... Scary....
New Gameday commercial.... Desmond has a new silk cape


Kathy G said...


I always enjoy your signs. Thanks for taking the time to find them. I would never have time to locate them.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

LOL....great blog girlie! I'm going to have to add this to my weekly football reading.