
Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's HERE!!!!!

It has begun! I mean... can you feel it? We are seeing wins and losses already out there! We are seeing people trash talking and knocking each other out! We are seeing mouthy fans, face paint, and tons of shouting and excitment!
Today is our first game and I feel like I wasn't ready for it! I dropped Brett off at the hotel and it didn't feel like it was already time! IT CAN'T BE FOOTBALL SEASON!
Max and I are lounging around and watching sports center trying to get ready for today's game...
All I can say is that this is the beginning of a fun season! A lot is on the line for everyone and we can't wait to see how everything plays out!
Just Remember........


Jen said...

Love the pic of Max...very cute!

Amanda said...

he's my little gameday buddy! Of course, he refused to actually look at the tv because he was too busy trying to see what he missed looking out the window!

Kathy G said...

What great pictures and videos! Ilove them because it is the closest I can be to both of you right now! Keep it up!