
Monday, September 7, 2009

....New Sewing Project complete!

Yesterday and today (Labor Day), Brett had to go in to work so it is me and Max all day!
Yesterday, in particular it was all about my "Project" I went to Church in the morning at my friend Teri's Church. The worship was amazing and it really set a great tone for the rest of my day!
I came home after grabbing lunch and got to work on my second dress. (I had cut the pattern out the night before while we watched football.) I spent the day finishing up the dress. And I think this is my favorite one yet! It has pockets, a cute gather at the top front, and it has a bow in the front!
Let's just say, I am holding myself back from the fabric stores today because I want to make another one!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think you need to model your creations for the bloggy world.