
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Crown the Birthday Boy!

So, I just finished my present for our sweet nephew Kade's Birthday! I had found a crown for my neice Ava in the store a year ago and it was so cute and had a removable 1, 2, and 3 so she could wear it for multiple birthdays. I was searching for one for Kade as it is his 1st birthday on Valentine's Day this year. No one around here still carried them. I started thinking about it and I thought, "well, they can't be that hard!" So I searched online and thanks to Blogspot I found a crafty mom that had made some beautiful crowns for her daughter and son for their birthdays and she provided the pattern and instruction. I just finished it and I am excited to give it to Tara, Kade's sweet mommy, for his birthday! I am using my sewing machine more and more and excited about the new things I am learning on it... so I had to brag a bit and post some pictures!

Max was the perfect Model! The crown freaked him out a little bit but he was a good sport!

My sweet Puppy! Profile Shot!


Special K said...

Yeahhhhhh!!! Kade can't wait to be King! That is so special. Thank you so very much. love it love it love it

Jen said...

Aren't you oh so crafty! Very cute!

Terri said...

This is SO great!!!!! I didn't know you have a sewing machine?!! We must talk about that!!!

The Solomons said...

This profile pic of Max is CRACKING me up! It's so sweet! He's such a regal lad.