
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Fall Y'All!!

So... today I was getting ready and watching the weather channel... they mentioned a fall photo contest and I was intrigued. I have some really beautiful pictures of the tree outside my balcony and so I sat down to my computer and looked through the pictures I have. When I looked into it, they have categories including animals! I threw my camera and my puppy into the car and off we went to the pumpkin patch for some fun pictures! Below are my submissions to the contest! Check out the People's Choice page by clicking HERE... we are already on the front page with more votes than any other pet/animal! Help Max win his category by voting now!

Max and I say.... Happy Fall Y'All!

1 comment:

Kathy G said...


Granna voted for you 3 times! You are so handsome!

Love you...